Saturday, March 10, 2012

Characterization of Mrs. Newell

In the text, “The Last Asset”, Mrs. Newell is characterized as a woman who is struggling to remain in the upper-class where being financially secure is the main requirement, and to her luck, only possessing the social aspect causes her to become a type of freeloader. Early on, Mrs. Newell understands that her position can change quickly to something less luxurious as her ability to squeeze off the rich runs dry. Hermy, Mrs. Newell’s daughter serves as a new method to remain in the aristocracy by commodification. Hermy is forced to marry into a family of wealth and Mrs. Newell justifies by saying “what’s the use of producing a daughter if she doesn’t contribute to her parent’s financial & social advancement” (Wharton 218).  Mrs. Newell is desperate enough exploit anyone or do anything unethical to attain what she desires.  

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